How does the doping control process in WADA-accredited labs work, and how do the testers stay ahead of the cheats?

In our latest podcast interview, we spoke to Gunter Gmeiner, head of the WADA-accredited doping control laboratory in Seibersdorf, Austria, to find out what are the basic requirements for a WADA-accredited laboratory, and what is the process for testing an athlete’s sample.

As a past president of the World Association of Anti-Doping Scientists and WADA-trained assessor for WADA-accredited laboratories, there’s no one better qualified to explain:

·         What happens to an athlete’s sample, after it is taken

·         How labs guard against false positive tests

·         How labs ensure that samples are tamper-proof

·         How the introduction of biological passports has affected the process

·         And why samples are stored for up to 10 years.

      Click here (The doping control process – Podcast with Gunter Gmeiner ( to listen to the interview.