Competition manipulation
Competition Manipulation or Match-Fixing is an intentional act to unfairly change the course or the outcome of a sports competition.

Key Definitions
Participants are individuals bound by the IBU Integrity Code. This includes, for example athletes, athlete support personnel, referees, offcicals, staff of NF Members and/or members of organizing committees of Biathlon.
Inside information refers to factual information regarding competitors, the conditions, and tactical considerations. Inside information does not include any information that is already published or a matter of public record.
Betting means making, accepting or laying a bet, including fixed and running odds, totalisator/toto games, live betting, betting exchanges, spread betting, and other games offered by sports betting operators.
Sports-related manipulation
Participants must not:
Fix or improperly influence the result, progress, outcome, conduct or any other aspect of any Biathlon competition
Seek, accept, offer or agree to accept any bribe to fix or improperly influence the result, progress, outcome, conduct or any other aspect of any Biathlon competition
Intentionally fail to perform to the best of their abilities in any Biathlon competition
Betting-related manipulation
Participants must not:
Place, accept, lay or otherwise enter into any bet in relation to the result, progress, outcome, conduct or any other aspect of any Biathlon competition
Instruct or entice another party to enter into any bet in relation to the result, progress, outcome, conduct or any other aspect of any Biathlon competition
Use ‘inside information’ for betting purposes
Disclose any ‘inside information’ to any party for betting purposes
Provide, offer, give, request or receive any gift that risks undermining public confidence in the integrity of any Biathlon competition
4 Rules to Remember

1. Don’t fix the competition
Don’t manipulate the Biathlon competition or any aspect of it, including spot-fixing and intentional underperformance. Reject all the offers to fix even if a coach, team member or doctor asks you to do so. You must always do your best.

2. Don’t bet on Biathlon
You are not allowed to bet on Biathlon or assist others to place a bet. Betting on all aspects of Biathlon competitions of any level is prohibited. If you participate in the Olympic Games, betting on all Olympic competitions is forbidden.

3. Don’t disclose inside information
Don’t share inside information with any external parties, including relatives and friends outside your team. You never know how someone can use this information for betting purposes.

4. Report
If you are asked to manipulate or think that someone is involved in match-fixing, immediately report any suspicions or knowledge to the BIU.