New and improved Anti-Doping and Learning Platform goes live!
The Biathlon Integrity Unit (BIU) is pleased to announce that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)’s new and improved Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform (ADEL) is now available for the biathlon community.
The original ADEL was launched in January 2018, however the new ADEL supports the new WADA International Standard for Education, which took effect on 1 January 2021 and is seen as a significant step forward in anti-doping education policy.
BIU Head, Greg McKenna said: “Education is an essential long-term strategy if we’re to make inroads into tackling doping as an issue in modern-day sport, and that’s why the introduction of the new and improved ADEL is an important step forwards for the biathlon community. The availability of education and learning programs for the our community, whether they be biathletes, coaches, parents or other entourage members, is another positive step forward for instilling a positive culture for tomorrow’s athletes.”
The new ADEL platform – which is available via desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone, as well as via the ADEL Mobile App – features a wider range of educational courses and resources for more target audiences as identified in the World Anti-Doping Code and allows for the biathlon community to access technical help on a range of topics; this includes international and national-level athletes, those in a Registered Testing Pool, parents, coaches, medical professionals and others. The platform also includes resources including: the Athlete and Athlete Support Personnel Guides to the Significant Changes in the 2021 Code; the Athlete and Athlete Support Personnel Guide to the 2021 List, as well as, all Code Implementation Support Program (CISP) resources, including the recently published Guidelines for Education, Therapeutic Use Exemptions and Results Management.
The new ADEL also has personalised learning plans, a gamification concept and community learning features so that users can exchange questions with people working in anti-doping. You can discover more by visiting the WADA website.