
Safeguarding the health and well-being of participants in Biathlon – in particular children and young adults – is something the Biathlon Integrity Unit takes very seriously.

This means, participants must not:

  • Commit any form of physical, mental or sexual harassment or abuse towards any person
  • Do anything that risks harming a person’s physical and/or mental wellbeing and/or safety

Physical abuse includes and is not limited to: hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, biting, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm.

Emotional abuse includes and is not limited to: bullying, causing someone to feel threatened, frightened, embarrassed or in danger, or otherwise causing emotional harm.

Sexual abuse includes and is not limited to: forcing or inappropriately enticing someone to become involved in sexual activities against their will.

Athlete365 & Safe Sport for all

Athlete365 is an IOC initiative created by athletes, for athletes – to support athletes throughout their journey in sport on and off the field. Athlete365 provides tools, services and a strong global network to help athletes tackle the challenges that come with competing at the elite level.

Click here to get to the IOC’s Safe Sport Unit on Athlete365 – to help protect athletes and unite to stop all forms of harassment and abuse in sport.

BIU Integrity Code

For more information on our Safeguarding rules, see Chapter B: IBU Code of Conduct, Rule 2, of the Integrity Code.

IBU Safeguarding Policy

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IBU Safeguarding Policy


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Safeguarding Report Form

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Sport should be a safe and fair place for all.

If you would like to report any concerns or suspicions in relation to Safeguarding, click here.

Any material reported will be treated in strictest confidence.

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