Instruct or entice an athlete to use a prohibited substance or prohibited method
Instruct or entice an athlete to evade, refuse or fail to submit a sample collection
Tamper or attempt to tamper with any part of the doping control
Possess a prohibited substance or prohibited method
Traffick or attempt to traffick a prohibited substance or prohibited method
Administer or attempt to administer a prohibited substance or prohibited method on an athlete
Assist, encourage, aide, abet, conspire cover up or be involved in any other type of intentional complicity involving an Anti-Doping Rule Violation
Work with someone who has been sanctioned for an Anti-Doping Rule Violation
Discourage or retaliate against someone for reporting to authorities
Betting & Match Fixing
Place or accept any bet in relation to any Biathlon competition
Instruct or entice another party to enter into any bet
Use or disclose any ‘inside information’ for betting purposes
Fix or improperly influence any Biathlon competition
Seek, accept or offer any bribe to fix or improperly influence any Biathlon competition
Instruct or entice an Athlete to intentionally fail to perform to the best of their ability
Commit any form of physical, mental or sexual harassment and/or abuse towards any person
Do anything that harms or risks harming a person’s physical and/or mental wellbeing and/or safety
Discriminate against any person’s:
Race, skin colour, national or social origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, language, political or other opinion, religion or other beliefs, circumstances of birth, or anything else
Comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations
Act in accordance with the highest standards of honesty and integrity
- Uphold the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship
Report any knowledge or suspicions of rule violations of the Integrity Code
Cooperate fully with investigations conducted by the Biathlon Integrity Unit
For more information on our Anti-Doping, Anti-Corruption and Safeguarding rules, and your Obligations as a professional within Biathlon, see the relevant chapter of the Integrity Code.