From its foundation in 1993, the International Biathlon Union (IBU) has fought for a clean sport and prioritised the protection of its clean athletes. The IBU became a signatory of the World Anti-Doping Code – established by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) – in 2003, and as such has always been compliant and cooperative with WADA in implementing all procedures and standards.
Since 2007, the IBU has been using the Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS) – a centralised online system developed by WADA which helps to coordinate anti-doping testing; coordinate testing with other anti-doping organisations; plan target testing; conduct blood passport testing; and conduct transparent results management based on WADA-accredited laboratory results.
In 2018, the IBU signed an agreement with the International Testing Agency (ITA) which helps to support the delivery of its anti-doping programme and ensure athletes, fans and stakeholders can have complete trust in the integrity of Biathlon competitions.
The Biathlon Integrity Unit was established in October 2019 to handle all integrity-related matters in Biathlon, investigating and prosecuting violations of the Integrity Code. As of 2020, there is more capacity than ever before to ensure those who break the rules are held accountable.